Privacy Policy
Masonic Experts does not sell or rent information about visitors to our site.
E-mail updates on product and special promotions will be sent to you by Masonic Experts on a periodic basis. If you no longer wish to receive e-mail updates from Masonic Experts, you must use the opt-out option listed at the bottom of each e-mail you receive to remove your name from their list.
No information about individuals will be disclosed without permission from the individuals. If you give permission to Masonic Experts to disclose information, we will keep you informed as to when and to whom the information is being made available. Information that is not necessary to conduct business with you such as where you live, your hobbies or household income will not be asked.
The Masonic Experts will show any customer their complete data profile on demand, (if such a profile ever exists) and make any changes that you request.
The Masonic Experts is the sole owner of any information collected on this site. The Masonic Experts will not sell, share or rent this information to others in ways different from what is disclosed in this statement.